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October 2008: The second canal is completed
September 2008: Home building on schedule
June 2008 Construction: steel delivered
May 2008 Construction: the first home!
February 2007 Construction
Setting the standard
Construction News
October 2008 Construction
The second canal is completed: The final section of the second canal has now been opened. Have a look at the pictorial record, documenting the 'dance' of the three excavators as they formed a line and passed the soil to each other, and the water started to flow.
September 2008 Construction
Lots 65 and 69 On Schedule: We are well underway constructing our first two single-family homes - and with four more homes scheduled to begin construction this year and our first hilltop luxury apartments about to break ground, we are very satisfied with building progress.
Construction News
June 2008 Construction
Mainland deliveries - Panamanian style! A typical large Panamanian truck, ferried across for the mainland, delivers steel reinforcing rods and cement arrive for the first houses.
May 2008 Construction
Lot 65 begins! Micah Roberts and his team, despite a rainy week, breaking ground on Lots 65 and 69.
November 2007: Good aerial views
Sunset Point is advancing well at this stage, with the canal excavation progressing according to plan; also, there are some good aerial shots looking up from the entrance of the development.
February 2007: Second canal excavation well underway
The Second Canal excavation is well underway in this gallery; note the removal of dead coral - which is why the soil in this particular area of Sunset Point is white; and an construction image of one of the two sewage treatent facilities.
October 2006: Five excavators at work
Creating two huge canals: Five large excavators working on the second canal.
June 2006: Early days
The first canal was being constructed at this stage, and the ground cleared in readiness for the construction of the second
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