Setting the standard
Live an ocean-based life
Choose to live an ocean-based life at Sunset Point. Luxury, privacy, a high standard of living, complemented by a good infrastructure and yet a laid-back lifestyle.
Local Activities
- Snorkeling (
Hospital Point and Starfish Beach were particularly memorable - Webmaster
) - Surfing
- Scuba Diving
- Water Skiing
- Kayaking
- Bike rentals
- Exploring the area by boat
Exploring the Bocas archipelago by boat
Bocas, inland has rivers, creeks and forest, and a diverse flora and fauna. And the coast has many sea birds (the frigate bird and pelicans are commonly seen here), dense, impenetrable mangrove, beautiful rocky outcrops and (a lot of) good coral.
- Colon Island and Bocas Town
- Bastimentos Island and National Marine Park
- San Christobal Island
- Hospital Point
- Swan Key and Boca Del Drago
- Zapatillas Key
The Bocas archipelago: a cultural melting pot
Bocas del Toro is a rich mix of Spanish, Indian, English-speaking and French-speaking West Indians (Afro-Caribbean peoples that emigrated from Jamaica, San Andres and other Caribbean islands in past centuries). Germans and Americans also played a part in developing the region.
There are also the indigenous peoples, and you will see distinct traditional dress being worn by the different tribes: the Ngobe-Bugle being the most abundant. Other tribes are the Teribe, Guaymi, Bri Bri, Cuna (emigrated from the San Blas Islands). Cristobal and Popa islands still have tribes-people living traditionally. For instance, the Ngobe build their roofs from palm leaves and their houses from Jira (a type of wood).
When Christopher Columbus, in 1502, navigated his two ships into the bay called by the indians, "Caroboro" (Admiral Bay), the indigenous peoples were the Guaymi, Teribe and Bokota Indians.
Bocas del Toro town was founded In 1826 by Jamaican, San Andres and Providencia emigrants; but it wasn't until 1880-1890 that Bocas town became more important, with its banana-based history, beginning with the Snyder Banana Co in 1890, and then the United Fruit Company in 1899. The area prospered on bananas until 1914, when a pest stuck the cop. By 1934 the banana as a cash crop was obliterated from Bocas, and a long period of commercial decay ensued.
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